Category: Wanderer through Eternity (EN)
Waiting for any saviour or messiah…
I am well aware that my previous texts about listening to suffering are “highly...
Listening to the Guardian of the Gate
Lately, during my holotropic processes, I have been listening a lot. To different people,...
Searching for the roots of aggression…
Some time ago I went through a strange series of reflections and experiences on the topic of how...
Deepest ancestral trauma of humanity
Back in the 1980s I often listened to the Czech country singer Wabi Danek and I also enjoyed his...
Using holotropic states of consciousness as a personal skill?
I receive news from various websites by email, and recently I got an interesting text written by...
Animals also seek altered states of consciousness
When we lived in southern Bohemia and had various animals at home, we often saw our cats or...
Spontaneous insights into expanded consciousness
The experiences of many people show that from time to time it is possible to have spontaneous...
Expanded consciousness
Exploring human consciousness is a fascinating adventure that takes us beyond the boundaries of...
Mystical experiences of sportsmen
In one of his lectures, Stanislav Grof mentioned that his friend Michael Murphy, one of the...
Denial of traumas…
“If that guy doesn’t provide some quick and easy instructions on how to get rid of...
Others must suffer too…
“Because I suffered, then someone else must suffer too, anyone, so they know how terrible it was…”...
Are we experiencing a growing awakening of emotions and empathy?
When discussing the trauma of children separated from their mothers in previous text, I brought up...
Recent Posts
- Jak vlastně vzniklo zlo a co si s ním počít?
- Co je to zlo?
- Chladná a bezcitná umělá inteligence?
- Jak se tripovalo ve zlatých šedesátých
- Uvolnění minulosti zablokované v traumatech
- Traumata jen tak nezmizí z míst, kde se stala
- Opravdová integrace Stínu je ukrutný prožitek
- Temnota plná strachů a nářků
- Ať jiní také trpí…
- Světlo přece musí zvítězit nad Temnotou
- Posedlost “démony” traumat
- Traumata ve společném podvědomí lidstva
- Narcismus a spirituální bypass jako zkratka k vítězství
- Děsivé muzeum zamrzlého času
- Je třeba umět se rozloučit se starými příběhy…
- Lilith
- Objektivita a rozšířené vědomí
- Jak mi trickster ukázal nejhlubší pochopení…
- Nejhlubší prvotní dědičné trauma lidského rodu
- Hledání kořenů agresivity…